Lindsay Lohan to Star in Quentin Tarantino Film?

DIRECTOR Quentin Tarantino is set to help Lindsay Lohan drag what’s left of her acting career out of the gutter.

The troubled star is being eyed by the Kill Bill filmmaker for a future movie project in which she’ll be able to draw on her experiences as a party animal.

“Lindsay is just the kind of character Quentin loves,” reveals a Hollywood insider. “No one expects her to do anything significant on film ever again but he has at least one role he feels she would be perfect for.It’s a shocking, hardcore character but it will put her back on the map much as Quentin did for John Travolta.”

And Lindsay, 23, needs all the help she can get — recent reports claimed she earns LESS than MTV reality star Snooki.

“When Lindsay does get paid for attending events, she now gets $5,000 to $10,000, basically less than Snooki makes,” a source said earlier this month.

“It is sad and it is only getting worse. The few people that care about Lindsay want her to get help, but she is scared to trust anyone, thanks to her father, and she doesn’t want to hear this. We are worried for Lindsay and where her life is going.”

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