Kristen Stewart Talks Hosting Saturday Night Live

Taylor Lautner did it and we sure know everyone wants Rob Pattinson to do it.

So, is it time for Kristen Stewart to host Saturday Night Live?

We asked and she answered. Here's what Ms. Stewart had to say...

"They haven't asked me to do it," Stewart said, while hanging out in a suite at L.A.'s Luxe Hotel, where she's been promoting her new rock n' roll flick, The Runaways.

Even so, would she do it?

"I would love to say yes for sure, but that is really really scary," she said. "I am so critical of myself and then also of people who are on the show. It's like, 'Nope, you're not funny—next!'"

One thing she'd totally say yes to is a…romantic comedy! But don't ask her to name any potential love interest costars. "I don't know, man," she said, laughing. "I would want to do it with some cool, unassuming random actor."

OK, got any ideas for Stewart? We know most of you are thinking Pattinson, but there must be others. Leave your comments below.

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